Issue #189: Still Working After All These Years
Good morning. It’s Saturday, May 18th.
Today’s Quick Win
Inspiration: Oldest Full-Time Employee
Moment of Fun: Fun Work Trip?
Bucket List: Bandon Dunes
Brain Games: Water Flow
Question: Waking Up
Increase mortality rate for those with little/no purpose, compared to those with a high sense of purpose. (Clearvue Health)
This Week
This week we looked within ourself to find, or connect with, our purpose.
Issue #187 - finding our purpose is difficult. The reason we’re here is all about the things we’re going to fulfill. Everyone’s journey is personal - not saying you’re afraid, but what would you do if you weren’t?
Issue #188 - life’s not about impressing the world or feeding your ego - it’s about being a part of something bigger. Discover the six levels of motivation - aspire to climb the pyramid!
Click HERE to check out previous issues in the Thrive25 archive.
Enjoying your Saturday?
Joe Grier - who just turned 98 - is at the office today.
Thought to be the oldest full-time employee in the country, Joe makes molds for trophies and other awards on the west side of Chicago.
His secret?
“I control my own thinking. It’s about how you look at them (problems) and how you deal with them - they’re no longer a problem.”
Even the slightest change in how we frame something matters - Joe doesn’t go to work; he goes to “the shop.”
Work is associated with a negative connotation - but for Joe “the shop” is a place he loves. It’s where he gets to use the skills he’s developed all his life.
Cicero believed old age was meant to be about service, wisdom, and counsel.
Joe has found a way to continue to mentor and teach his co-workers in a way that there is still a reason - a purpose - for him to be at his best every day.
TIt repeats the theme that our purpose doesn’t require some grandiose mission to conquer the world. As Arthur Brooks writes in “From Strength to Strength”:
“Satisfaction comes not from chasing bigger and bigger things, but paying attention to smaller and smaller things.”
It’s not just Joe’s optimism and purpose - but the people he’s around.
It matters if we treat old people like they’re old. Becca Levy has found that the people with the most positive view of aging recover better, walk faster, have a better memory, and live longer.
The team around Joe still has real respect for him - they treat him like he matters.
Thrive25 Partner Spotlight
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Moment of Fun | Fun Work Trip?
Bucket List | Bandon Dunes
In 1999, Bandon Dunes opened with a single wide trailer as a clubhouse in a remote area of Oregon’s southern coast. Build it and they will come…and they have. Now with 5 championship courses (all ranked in top 15 U.S. public golf courses) by some of the best architects of this generation, the Bandon Dunes Golf Resort records 175K+ rounds per year. Max and I love golf - what better way to daydream a trip to Oregon’s wild coast than during the PGA Championship!
Brain Games | Water Flow
If I open the tap above tank A, which tank is the first one to be filled completely?
Too easy, how about the order for the rest of the tanks?
**For answer, scroll to the bottom of the post
Weekend Q
“Why did you get out of bed this morning, and why should anyone care?” – Simon Sinek
Product Recs
☕ Bulletproof - want to improve your energy and gut health? Bulletproof’s got greens, prebiotic fiber, collagen, bars - whatever you need! Follow this link for 10% off
🍴 Primal Kitchen - want healthy sauces, dressings, or even mayo? Give your meals a kick that’s super clean, but also delicious. Give ‘em a go! Follow this link for 10% off
Thanks for another great week! Remember, to live your life - whatever the path…
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** Brain Games Answer **
Tank F.
Too easy? What about the other tanks? Technically, a second tank would not fill up as drawn - there’s no top on Tank F, it would just continue to overflow.
But what if we pretend all tanks have a top except Tank A. Then the following is the order (the rest of the tanks remain empty):
I / J
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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity.
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