Issue #166: Stop Waiting
Good morning. It’s Monday, April 10th.
Today’s Quick Win
Did you miss any of our issues on ENVIRONMENT last week? Catch up on Issues #161 - #165 here.
This week we're switching gears and talking about MINDSET, specifically Optimism & Gratitude.
From the Lab: Stop Waiting - It’s All About Today
Speed Read: Tally Ho!
Monday Q: You Don’t Need a DeLorean
Potential increase in lifespan for those optimists among us. But we should note - it’s not just positive thinking, it’s also doing the things to make tomorrow better and thrive. (Source)
From the Lab
I slowly walk across the room - being careful not to make any sudden moves.
Then I gently hand the banana over to my 2-yr old son who is apparently still hungry after his multiple breakfasts. Doh, he didn’t want it already peeled - crisis NOT averted. 🤦 There goes 10 minutes of my life on yet another morning tantrum.
Our little guy is incredibly sweet with the biggest heart. But like just about every human his age, he doesn’t yet know how to manage his emotions and those breakdowns give me massive stress, and - if I don’t actively take care of myself - affect my whole day.
I know it’s part of his development, but as a parent of a toddler, it’s hard not to look into the future for a time when these tantrums go away.
At the same time, as an entrepreneur of an early-stage company, I’m always looking towards the future - when we will scale the business, when we can hire more support, when we will make more money.
Adam Grant suggests that thinking of the future is a good coping mechanism to manage through tough times. His example is NASA astronaut, Mark Kelly, living through isolation before a spaceflight - he thinks about past memories and the completion of his mission.
But there’s a big difference between planning for the future and living in the future.
We hear over and over to “be present” - that’s why meditation has taken off (Issue #65) and why we talked about getting outside into nature last week.
But it’s still not easy to live in the moment - especially when the moment kinda sucks - while also being optimistic tomorrow will be better.
Research from experts suggests to change the focus from you to what’s around you. Stop judging everything and just experience it.
The world is full of awe - even on our toughest days.
Appreciate the taste of your morning coffee, the warmth of the sun (or its reflection on the snow), that momentary eye roll moment with your partner when your kid makes you crazy. Every day is full of wonder if we take the time to see it and live it.
We don’t get today back and if we wait for…the weekend, the next promotion, your toddler to be a kid, then we’re going to miss it.
And he’s crying again…:).
Thrive25 Partner Spotlight
I had a couple of days last week with way too much time sitting (and standing) in front of the computer. The science is clear (see study from Microsoft) - our brain needs breaks! is my way of making sure that I’m taking breaks!
Download now and feel the difference!
Speed Read
Health & Longevity in the News
Tally Ho!: David Sinclair’s new startup, Tally Health offers biological age testing, lifestyle recommendations, and supplements has raised $10M from leading venture firms and celebrities. (Longevity Technology)
What Dentists Want: Fresh off our week on oral health (Issues #156-160), we thought we’d share a few more things dentists agree on. Don’t get high before your appointment, avoid charcoal toothpastes, and you don’t need an electric toothbrush (but there are some advantages). (NYTimes)
Neural Fingerprints: So back to 2-yr olds, seriously, they are amazing. And possibly what’s most spectacular is brain development - prenatal to the first few years of life. Through new technologies, researchers are gaining a greater understanding of the billions of neurons and trillions of connections that are developed in these early years and what it means for caring for, and even preventing, various disabilities. (Knowable)
Monday Q
When do you find yourself focused on the future? What can you do to plan for the future, but live in the present?
Product Recs
VJ Shoes - looking for the best running shoes so you don’t slip on the trail? Here’s a recommendation from fellow Thrive25 reader, Brian P. that might be a winner for you.*
Primal Kitchen - loving these sauces. Just used the Hawaiian BBQ Sauce for some pulled pork tacos and my wife loves the Buffalo Sauce. They’re clean and delicious. Give ‘em a go!
*Got a recommendation for us? We’d love to hear from you and share it with the rest of the Thrive25 community! Click HERE
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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity.
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To health!
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