Issue #179: Hold Your Breath
Good morning. It’s Thursday, April 27th.
Thrive25 is in the news! Check out our story in Go Solo. We’re still in the the first inning - lots more to come!
Today’s Quick Win
From the Lab: Hold Your Breath
Speed Read: New Board Games
Thursday Night In: Zucchini Noodle Stir-Fry
Moment of Fun: Dad Press Conference #2
“Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is.”
The number of seconds you should be able to hold your breath after a normal inhale/exhale (no deep breathing).
From the Lab
Ok - hold your breath! (literally).
Just breathe normally (no deep breaths) - take in a normal breath and exhale. Then plug your nose with your mouth closed. See how long you can hold your breath.
No - don’t hold it until you pass out, no medals are being awarded here.
How’d you do?
The goal is at least 30-40 seconds.
Why is this important?
The longer we can tolerate CO2, then the more we can actually use the oxygen in our bodies and the more energy we have throughout the day.
We’ve covered breathing before (Issue #137). It not only controls blood pressure, brain chemicals (like cortisol), anxiety, and our immune system - it also supports how we move and avoid injuries!
Most of us (my hand is raised) are shallow breathers. This creates all kinds of issues with our body alignment. Only when we take in deep breaths down into our belly, using our diaphragm, do we create a pressure chamber that supports our spine.
This is a two-way street. We also can’t take in a deep breath when we’re hunched over.
The best way to get in the right posture is to feel like you can easily take in, hold, and release a deep breath.
Breathing also mitigates pain. We’ve all said (or been told) “breathe through the pain.” This is real science. That’s why Lamaze Breathing is taught to women to get through childbirth.
Pain is actually the brain’s response to a stimulus based on a perceived threat to the body - putting us into fight or flight mode.
But deep breathing counteracts this response by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system - telling our brain we’re ok and can remain calm.
There’s research happening right now to confirm that the Wim Hof Method - 30-40 deep breaths in about 6 minutes - can effectively increase pain tolerance.
NOTE: Max and I have been doing Wim Hof breathing on a regular basis with Hannes Bend. It’s significantly increased our ability to hold our breath - I’ve gone from under 1 minute to over 2.5 minutes!
**If you’re interested in trying this out for free - let us know (
Thrive25 Partner Spotlight
I’ve been suspect of taking creatine since the negative press 20 years ago. But it’s the most researched supplement. It’s not only been proven to safely improve strength and recovery, but clinical studies also show that Creatine supplementation can promote enhanced memory and a reduction in mental fatigue.
So I’m back on the back wagon and have felt great since restarting it.
Momentous brings scientific backing and expert credibility to the supplement space. Their Creatine supplement is a single-source ingredient with ZERO other additives. Use daily to improve lean muscle development and max out your power during resistance exercise.
Thrive25 subscribers get 15% off Creatine and the entire product portfolio using code Thrive at checkout. Click HERE!
Speed Read
Health & Longevity in the News
Breathwork Cures All: Max and I were joking the other day about the types of breathing exercises out there - box breathing, 4-7-8, 6-1-8 or any other number combo. The key is finding what works for you so you can shift from shallow to deeper (diaphragmatic) breathing. (Learn more)
Battle for the Moon: Japanese company, ispace, could have been the first private lander to touch down on the moon Tuesday. Unfortunately Mission 1 engineers lost communication. This is the 2nd of many private attempts - Astrobotic, Intuitive Machines, Firefly Aerospace, and Draper, all have plans to land rovers by 2025. (WIRED)
Board Games for the Weekend: We’re in the midst of a board game renaissance. They don’t make them like they used to…and that’s a good thing. Check out these 7 favorites for families. Much like food packaging, don’t get swayed by marketing - look at the awards and try before you buy (at libraries, comic book stores, etc.). (Big Think)
Thursday Night In | Zucchini Noodle Stir-Fry
Love stir-fry, but not looking for gluten or the carbs? Try this delicious bowl using zucchini noodles as a replacement (rice noodles are also an option).
Moment of Fun | Playground & Nap Time
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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity.
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To health!
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