Issue #9: An 8-hour plank?
Good morning. It's Thursday, August 25th. Did you know on this day 55 years ago (1967) the Beatles studied transcendental meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? Those guys were always ahead of their time.
Let's take a break from leg workouts! We've got a few great exercises for our core and upper body, along with some balance tests to up our game on the course, in the surf, or on the mat.
**Be sure to bookmark this week to come back to as you’ll want to reassess in 3, 6 or even 12 months as you continue your journey to Thrive.
Just 2 more days of our Launch Referral Campaign. Help us continue to spread the word of Thrive25! Deadline is tomorrow Friday, August 26th.
Join the more than 100+ referrals so far to make sure you have as many tickets as you can to win the $150 Patagonia Gift Card!
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Plank World Record - held by 62-yr old retired Marine, George Hood. Check out how he did it.
And no - going for the record is absolutely NOT recommended as part of the Thrive25 protocol.
Push-Ups & Planks
Growing up I had an older neighbor who never set food in a gym, but could do continuous push-ups during an entire 30-min sitcom (that’s over 2,000 push-ups!).
And here I was impressed that I do 25 every morning as soon as I pop out of bed!
One of the most common strength exercises, the push-up strengthens multiple muscle groups (chest, tricep, bicep, shoulders, upper back, core), requires no equipment, and can be modified as needed.
It’s a great indicator of overall upper body strength when done properly (Tutorial for good form).
Test #1 - Push-Ups
Start in a plank position on the hands and feet, arms straight
The body is straight (no butts in the air), and the hands are placed approximately shoulder width apart
At a controlled pace, lower your body until your chest nears the floor at the bottom of the movement with your elbows tight to your ribs, and then return up to the starting position with straight arms
**How many push-ups can you do in one set (i.e. keep your hands on the ground)?
Assessment (Men)
Assessment (Women)
Credit: Topend Sports
The Plank
One of the true tests of our core muscles that doesn't require any movement at all - planking. And no, we're not talking about the social media viral videos from 10 years ago.
Test #2 - Plank Hold Test
Start with the same position as the push-up, but move down from your hands to your elbows.
**Hold for as long as possible**
Be sure to keep your body in a straight line, supporting your lower back and not sticking your butt in the air like a V.
Keep Your Balance
Falling down isn't something most of us probably think about (I hope). But that doesn't mean we should wait until we get to that stage of life to focus on our balance.
Whether you love to surf, yoga, or even golf - balance is essential for allowing us to do the activities we want or need to do everyday. Here's a few tests to keep us upright as we get older.
Test #3 - Sit/Stand Test
This one was a surprise to me - when you really try to do it for speed, it's not as easy as it first appears.
Find a standard height chair - sit with your arms crossed and when ready have someone time you going up & down in the chair 5x. Stop timing when you sit the 5th time.
Results based on peer-reviewed studies:
Test #4 - Stork Test
Similar to "Tree Pose" in yoga, the stork test measures balance by holding a position on one leg.
Standing with bare feet, place hands on hips and raise one foot above or slightly below the opposite knee. Then raise the heel of the foot on the floor (only on the ball of your foot).
**Can you hold this position for 60 seconds??**
NOTE: stop time if hands come off hips, foot on floor moves/hops, or heel touches floor
**Don't think you need to complete all these tests right now! We're sharing multiple options for you so you can identify what is most important to your own fitness assessment and you can come back to this when the time is right for you.
Speed Read
Health & Longevity in the News
Alcohol & Your Health: Dr. Andrew Huberman's popular podcast is hard hitting this week with a deep dive on the affects of alcohol on your mind and body. He's not giving advice, just sharing the science.
Thrive Playing Video Games?: The media promotes that video games increase violent behavior and harm our mental health. But, research also suggests video games improve our cognition and communication skills. What's the verdict?
Take a Break from YouTube: Google has extended their "digital wellbeing - take a break" initiative to YouTube. Yes, we just posted a workout on YouTube. But it's only 30 seconds long and won't get you sucked down a rabbit hole of YouTube Live videos.
Thursday Night In
Special recipe this week - scallops! Why are these such great options to cook at home?
Are nutrient-dense - lean protein, Vitamin B12, tons of minerals, and omega-3
Only take 3-5 min to prep/cook
Cost a fraction of what you pay out at a restaurant
I actually just bought 12 (enough for two of us) at Whole Foods for $14. That would be $60-75 at a restaurant!
They might have a special place for me since it's the meal the first time I said "I love you" to my now wife (fortunately she said it back to me). There are rumors they are also an aphrodisiac - maybe that's why. Enjoy!
Credit: Dirty Genes - by Dr. Ben Lynch
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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity.
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To health!
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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.