Issue #212: 5 Questions About Weed

Good morning. It’s Thursday, July 13th.

Today’s Quick Win

  • From the Lab: The Science of THC

  • Speed Read: Feeling the Flow

  • Thursday Night In: Honey Chipotle Chicken Rice Bowl

I experimented with marijuana a time or two.
— Bill Clinton

2023 revenue (in billions) for cannabis. The market is expected to approach $100B by 2027. (Statista)

From the Lab

So weed is basically legal now. What’s the real story?

Does it open up new corners of our brain and reduce our anxiety? Does it help us fall asleep? Will it give us Alzheimer’s? 

There’s plenty of clickbait headlines out there - but what’s the science really say? And if we’re interested in health & longevity how should we incorporate cannabis into our lives? 

Who Should NOT Get High?

There are certain populations that should absolutely avoid cannabis - we’ll call out two segments here:

If You Can’t Rent a Car (Anyone Under 25)

Uh oh - that was pretty much all of us in college. Now we gotta watch out for our kids. The reality is that our brains aren’t fully developed until our mid-20’s.

When THC binds to our C1 and C1 receptors it affects all of our brain - our basal ganglia (why we make questionable decisions), our cerebellum (lose balance/motor skills), and our prefrontal cortex (our rational thinking). See Issue #17 for more about our brain.

When we corrupt these cannabinoid receptors at this stage of life is increases the thinning of our gray matter (cell bodies in the brain) - leading to higher likelihood of depression, anxiety, and psychosis.

It all comes down to how early we start and how often we do it - seems like 2x/week or more causes the biggest problems.

Worried about how you spent your youth? Well everything we preach at Thrive25 - eating clean food, lots of exercise, sufficient sleep, and a positive mindset - all promote blood flow to the brain with some potential for neuroplasticity (growth and repair of the brain). 

Anyone Pregnant or Trying to Get Pregnant

Weed can break through the barrier and get into the fetus. So everything we just wrote about teens is even more severe when it impacts the earliest stages of brain wiring and development. This is even true when the partner smokes next to the pregnant mom.

Oh and mentioning guys - cannabis alters sperm motility. If you’re trying to have a baby - take a break from the gummies.

This obviously isn’t an exhaustive list - for example, anyone with liver issues should avoid marijuana - THC can affect the liver just like OTC drugs (Tylenol). You know your health and can make the best decision for you.

Pass the Joint or Pop a Gummy? 

When you smoke - the cannabis gets into your bloodstream within 30-60 seconds - which is why your buddy who just took a hit has an immediate smile and can barely open his eyes. 

While some suggest smoking weed isn’t as detrimental as tobacco, it still brings heat into the body (cellular damage), causes breathing problems (long-term lung cancer risk), and damages endothelial cells (cardiovascular risks go up). 

Don’t think vaping is a better choice - the chemicals will crush your health too. 

Edible cannabis doesn’t have these same risks since it never comes into contact with the lungs and enters the bloodstream through ingestion. So pick your favorite flavor, don’t roll the paper. 

Insomnia Cure?

There are actually hundreds of varieties of cannabis plants. The two most common are sativa and indica - and they have very different effects.

Sativa is more uplifting and promote energy, while indica is more relaxing and a form of a sedative - often associated with transitioning to sleep. 

While the research on CBD is still ongoing, Matthew Walker stated on the Tim Ferriss podcast that THC will help you fall asleep, but disrupts REM (recall the sleep stages - Issue #13).

Unlock the Brain? 

Turns out that cannabis users are more creative. But…

A recent study says it isn’t the weed making them more creative - it’s the self-selection of the people willing to try it. So if it’s your thing or you think it might be your thing - then you might be Picasso even without it. 

Also, recognize that there might be too much of a good thing. The reduced anxiety of a high can turn into long-term anxiety and depression. The loss of memory when high can turn into long-term loss of memory. Most studies point to possible negative effects if you consume THC 2x/week or more.

Everything in moderation.

Man Boobs?

Coming back to that 2x/week or more number - cannabis does decrease testosterone and increase estrogen (see Issue #200 for all things T). 

If you’re feeling lethargic or seeing less than desirable changes to your body, get your testosterone levels tested. **Make sure they test your Free Testosterone.

Want more? Andrew Huberman did an entire pod on Cannabis.

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Ready to get outside? NatureDose is the free app to help you set weekly nature goals and track your progress. Why do you want to get outside? Well, with the right active ingredients look at what’s possible for your help!

On par with diet, exercise, or adequate sleep, making nature exposure an essential part of your lifestyle is one of the best choices you can make for your health. Check out NatureDose.

Speed Read

Health & Longevity in the News

Doing the Bull Dance, Feeling the Flow, Working It: Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your “reason for being.” In Japanese, “iki” means life and “gai” means value or worth. Those that achieve ikigai don’t feel like they have a job, because their “work” involves their passions. Not everyone’s this lucky - but achieving a flow state is a great start. Follow these 7 steps to find yours. (CNBC)

Finding Your Peak: When do you peak physically and mentally? “At every age, you are getting better at some things and worse at others.” So, as it is in most things, it depends - are we talking swimming, powerlifting, chess, dressage, running, thinking, being creative? Regardless, the key is to stay active - every day make it a point to learn and move. (WSJ)

The Best Air Purifier: It’s a mess out there - whether heat waves or poor air quality, so we go inside. But how do we make sure it’s healthy in our home? Take the steps we discussed back in September (Issue #25) and buy the best air purifier that fits your budget. (NYTimes)

Thursday Night In | Honey Chipotle Chicken Rice Bowls

Indulge in the flavorful delights of these Honey Chipotle Chicken Rice Bowls - featuring mouthwatering sweet and spicy grilled chicken and a refreshing avocado corn salsa. These bowls are not only hearty and delicious but also packed with healthy ingredients, making them an ideal choice for nourishing weeknight dinners.

*Remember to marinade the chicken early - Max likes to do this while he’s having lunch

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Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

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To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.


Issue #213: African Firefighters in Canada


Issue #211: Weed as Medicine