Issue #84: The Key to a Healthy Lower Back

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, December 13th. Today Argentina takes on Croatia for a spot in the World Cup semifinals - 2pm ET on FOX. Oh and a call out to legendary Dick Van Dyke who is 97 years young today.

From the Lab: Back Support
Take Action: 2 Exercises You Can Do Right Now
Speed Read: Northern Lights in the U.S.
Tuesday QR: Keto-Friendly Buckeyes
Bucket List: Kumano Kodō

The percentage of people that will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. (Source)
From the Lab
Yesterday we talked about getting the right posture - one of the most important ways to protect our back (Issue #83).
But what about when it’s too late and you’re already in pain?
The #1 predictor of a future back injury is if you’ve had a back injury in the past. Basically if you’re body is out of alignment causing one injury - unless you fixed your body alignment, it’s bound to happen again.
It’s important to have both sides of your hips, pelvis and legs to be aligned to each other. If one hamstring is tighter than the other, then it will pull down your pelvis creating a misaligned rotation and boom - lower back just grabs you.
There are a lot of anatomical terms we can throw out, but basically your muscles, joints, 17 vertebrae (and discs within spine) all need to be strong and flexible.
Here are the three (3) keys for a healthy lower back:
Mobilization of Core Muscles
Pelvic Alignment (legs through hips)
Broad Range of Motion of Lumbar Spine
Take Action
#1 - Lay on back with legs at 90 degree angle on bench/box and a Tune-Up or lacrosse ball on lower back. Keep neutral spine (back on ground) and shift hips to move ball side-to-side to break down tissues that restrict movement and alignment.
#2 - Lay on back with legs at 90 degrees - push out one knee and pull in the other knee for 5 seconds, then switch sides. This fires up hamstring and hip flexor at same time to reset pelvis.
Do this for 5+ rounds. Finish by squeezing medicine ball between your legs as hard as you can for 5 sec and do this 3-5 times.
BONUS: If you have a band, check out this video from Aaron Alexander, author of The Align Method, to open up your thoracic spine.
Thrive25 Partner Spotlight
Health starts in your gut - we have as many bacteria inside us as we do cells of our own.
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Speed Read
Health & Longevity in the News
Longer Genes = Longer Life: Shout out to my alma mater - Northwestern University used AI to determine that across multiple animal species - including humans - that longer genes increase lifespan. This might eventually lead to therapeutics that tackle the actual disease of aging, not just symptoms (like what Tylenol does to a cold or flu). (Phys.org)
Hunting for Northern Lights: As the sun transitions to “solar maximum” in the next three years, it is prime time to spot the aurora borealis—even in the lower 48 states. Here’s where, when, and how to catch the show in our national parks. (Outside)
The Science of Placebos: We know the placebo effect is real - but taking advantage of it for profit? Not cool. We need the research and medical communities to be transparent about the efficacy of treatments - especially OTC products - being placebo-driven vs. not. (Big Think)
Tuesday QR (Quick Recipe)
Given Max and I are both from Ohio - it's only appropriate for us to celebrate the holidays with some Buckeyes. Here's a keto-friendly version that just taste like chocolate and peanut butter!
Pro Tip: Big fan of Santa Cruz Organics for peanut butter and Endangered Species Dark Chocolate.
Bucket List
Hiking the Kumano Kodō
Every year, 15M people hike the Kumano Kodō, a network of trails more than a thousand years old and collectively over 600 miles. In places, the trails consist of cobblestone stairs and long wooden footbridges that lead to three shrines. The region inspires tranquility at the intersection of Shinto and Buddhist traditions. No two journeys are the same, nor should they be - as you explore your mind, not just nature.
Inspiration: NYTimes
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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity.
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