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Issue #341: Do a Deep Squat

Good morning. It’s Saturday, May 11th.

In today’s email:

  • Focus: Get Out of the Chair

  • Move: Deep Squat

  • Brain Games: Emojis

Check out the latest episode from the Thrive25 in 5 podcast!

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Stat of the Day

The potential increase in strength of our knee extensor after just eight weeks of squat workouts. (source)


This week we explored ways to create energy and write for your mental health.

Issue #339 - the transformative power of journaling to boost mental health, gratitude, and self-awareness with practical tips to make it a habit

Issue #340 - the essential role of the thyroid and the key tests to monitor its function

Click HERE to check out the entire Thrive25 archive.


Get Out of the Chair

Watching videos of Centenarians in Okinawa (see Issue #327 and #329) you wouldn’t suspect they were former athletes or that muscle is their key to longevity.

But that’s kinda the point - it’s not about muscle size. It’s about mobility and strength - specifically in our hips and legs.

Older generations of Okinawans still often sit on the floor and many tend their own garden. They are doing the equivalent of 50-100 squats a day - not because they’re at the gym, just how they move throughout the day.

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In the book, Built to Move, which is one of our favorites when it comes to mobility - Kelly Starrett talks about getting back to sitting on the floor.

The modern chair creates a 90° angle with our legs and transfers the weight from our glutes to our spines - putting enormous pressure on our back and weakening our butt and hips.

I see this everyday with the real-world lab of my kids - my 3-yr old is always on the floor and he’s got strong legs and perfect posture when he sits. But my 6-yr old already looks like us (hunched over) when she sits because she spends all day sitting at a desk and then on the couch (not the floor) after school.

This is also why the Sit & Rise Test is such a good test. We shouldn’t use age as an excuse on why we can’t sit down or get up off the floor without using our hands - this is absolutely possible and what we should shoot for at any age.

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Need a brain boost mid-day? Try a little color.

Research shows that certain colors can evoke specific emotional responses and enhance concentration. Warm colors like red and orange can boost energy and creativity, while cool colors like blue and green promote calm and focus.

The next time you're looking to elevate your mood or enhance your productivity, consider the power of color in your environment. It's simple, yet effective.

Try the free browser extension to bring this powerful wellness hack right to your screen.

And if you'd like to bring it to your workplace, simply reply to this email and let us know where our partners at can reach you.


Deep Squat

Beyond sitting on the floor - the other thing to do is practice a proper squat. This doesn’t need to be putting a bunch of weights on a barbell at the gym - it’s doing a deep squat that we can maintain for a few seconds or even a few minutes.

This is common in most Asian cultures - how they sit, how they hang out, and even how they go to the bathroom (we’ve come up with the easy version of the squatty potty).

This deep squat strengthens our hips, our ankles and our knees.

No it doesn’t hurt our knees - it makes the muscles and ligaments around them stronger. You might not have full range of motion from a previous injury - but anything you can do to boost your leg muscles (like the supported leg press) will eventually help - not hurt - your knee health.

Two quick points here:

1. Our Ankles - a very underrated joint, our ankles are what give us our balance and keep us from falling. Kids normally have flexion of 70°, but this goes down to only 30° for adults in the western world. Deep squats give us back our ankle strength and flexibility.

2. Our Low Back - when we squat a lot we get strong hips, glutes, quads - which protects our back. We naturally bend over in a squat position and pick stuff up with our legs, not our back. So if you want to protect your back and prevent days of being stuck on the couch - do your squats!

Check out the video to see the proper technique for a deep squat:

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Aim for 30-90 seconds five times a day in a low squat.

You can do these at any time during the day - in between meetings at work, playing with your kids, or even watching TV.

Struggling with flexibility? Here’s a 15 minute video to be able to get to that deep squat.

Brain Games


We’ve been on a solid streak of logic equations and kyudoku. Let’s change it up with some emojis - not quite Emogenius, but maybe this segment won’t get canceled.

Take a look at the combo of emojis and scrambled letters in yellow. The goal is to solve the gray puzzle with the word(s) that correspond to the emojis. See if you can get all three.

Credit: Brainzilla
**For answer, scroll to the bottom of the post

Product Recs

  • ♨️ Caraway - good looking, clean cooking. Non-toxic cookware made modern - non-toxic cooking surfaces and thoughtful design lead to cleaner cooking. Click HERE to cook with confidence

  • 💊 Momentous - unlock your peak performance with Momentous supplements: scientifically proven, clinically backed, and patented formulas. Exclusive offer for Thrive25 subscribers: enjoy a 15% discount off the entire product portfolio. Use Code Thrive at checkout. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your performance journey - shop now!

  • 🍴 Primal Kitchen - Primal Kitchen redefines flavor with a healthy twist, offering an array of irresistible options. Enjoy a 10% discount off your entire order at Primal Kitchen. Don’t miss out - click HERE to claim your discount today!

  • 🌎 Zero Acre Farms - seed oils can have real negative effects on our health - but they’re in almost everything we eat. Made by fermentation, not deforestation, Zero Acre Farms cultured oil uses 85% less land than canola oil, emits 86% less CO2 than soybean oil, and requires 99% less water than olive oil. Get 15% off your order with code THRIVE25 today!

Thanks for another great week!

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** Brain Games Answer **

Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

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To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25, Inc. does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.