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Issue #293: Lessons of the Rhino

Good morning. It’s Saturday, January 20th.

In today’s email:

  • Inspire: A Rhino Story

  • Think: NSDR

  • Brain Games: Mixing Colors

Stat of the Day

Number of species estimated to go extinct every year. (source)


This week we explored different ways to meet your 2024 goals.

Issue #291 - learn about the Hawthorne Effect and how to harness it to boost motivation and accomplish your goals

Issue #292 - let go of your fears to create and sustain change

Click HERE to check out the entire Thrive25 archive.


A Rhino Story

I recently made a trip to the zoo and my 3-yr old was most excited about the rhinos.

It was incredible being so close to these 8,000 lb prehistoric-looking animals (that’s the weight of two Tesla Y cars).

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I got sucked into a zoo volunteer presentation and then, as I typically do, went down a rabbit hole of research to find out more about rhinos.

We saw the white rhino (which isn’t white) and is considered somewhat of a success because there are still 16,000 alive today (of the total population of 27K on Earth, and 20K in Africa). I guess it’s a matter of how we define “success” since there were over 500,000 in 1900.

Most of us know why they’re endangered - we’re developing the land where they live and hunting them for their horns.

Their horn is made of keratin - a naturally produced protein that strengthens our hair, skin and nails - along with layers of calcium and melanin.

Sounds pretty unspectacular.

Well rhino horns are worth $60,000 per pound - that’s higher than gold ($32K/lb) and cocaine ($24K/lb).

Why do people care about it?

Eastern cultures use rhino horns as medicine. They ground up the horn and use the powder for fevers, as an aphrodisiac, and as a cure for cancer. None of these uses have any scientific basis.

Regardless - where there’s demand, there’s a market (always follow the incentives).

So most rhinos die from poaching - assuming you can get 2 lbs from each horn, then a rhino is worth $120,000. That’s a lot of money.

But how much is a rhino worth when it’s alive?

African safaris make up 7% of the total global tourism market and nearly 50% of these tourists hope to see the “Big 5” - elephants, lion, leopards, water buffalo, and rhinos.

That’s $9B per year for the Big 5.

Maybe elephants and lions are more popular, so conservatively give rhinos 10% of this market - the population of the 20,000 African rhinos is worth $900M per year. 

Rhinos live for 40 years - so each rhino is worth at least $1.8M during its lifetime. That’s 15x the value of the horn

Obviously there are a lot of politics involved, especially in who actually benefits from these tourism dollars - I know it’s a simplified example. But it shows what’s possible when we change the incentive structure to think about long-term sustainability and not the one-time payout.

Why am I sharing this in our health & longevity newsletter?

First - I think it’s important that as we think about how long we want to live that we also create a world that we actually want to live in. And for me that includes taking care of nature and the beautiful animals among us on Earth.

Second - this same story applies to just about all the investments we talk about with our longevity. It might be easier to reach for the quick dopamine hit from a morning donut, to skip today’s meditation, or to spend 30 min scrolling social media.

The cost-benefit trade-off might not make sense if you think about just today - but all those little decisions and investments in your health pay off 15x over a lifetime. We just need to be willing to be patient and think about our entire journey, not just today.

Maybe that’s why we see a glimmer of hope as rhino populations are starting ever so slightly to go back up.

If you want to learn more about rhinos or give to a highly reputable nonprofit dedicated to a world where “rhinos THRIVE in the wild” check out the International Rhino Foundation.

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Michelin starred restaurants are switching to Zero Acre Farms. “From fine dining to fast food, Bay Area chefs are switching to this new ingredient.” - San Francisco Chronicle.

Good food, good fat from Zero Acre Farms. Finally, a cleaner all-purpose cooking oil with even more good fats than olive oil, a neutral taste, and a tiny environmental footprint.

Click HERE to get 15% off your order with code THRIVE25 at Zero Acre Farms. Good for you, good for Earth, good for cooking. #EatBetterFat



Think is a new segment where we focus on our mindset - meditation, breathwork, gratitude, etc. and either focus on something specific - think, or nothing at all - unthink.

We talked about Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) in Issue #281 - it’s a relaxation technique that involves deep mental and physical relaxation without falling asleep. It's like taking a conscious nap, where the mind and body reach a state of profound rest and relaxation. Ahhhh.

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Why it’s important

NSDR helps reduce stress and anxiety and improves mental clarity. It can enhance focus, creativity, and overall wellbeing. It also helps with recovery when you feel fatigued.

The Basics

  • Where: Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Dim the lighting or go with complete darkness

  • When: Early morning or a mid-day break. Just avoid practicing after a large meal or too close to bedtime

  • Posture: Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Ensure your body is supported so you can relax fully without any tension

  • Technique: Close your eyes and focus on deep, slow breaths. Let go of active thoughts and allow your mind to enter a state of deep relaxation. The goal is not to fall asleep but to hover in the space between wakefulness and sleep

  • Getting started: Begin with guided NSDR sessions, using apps or audio recordings that lead you through the process

Advanced Course

  • My life’s too hectic: I hear ya - but you can find a 10-15 min session during breaks between meetings

  • Is it working?: Measure your breathing rates prior to, during and after an NSDR session to gauge the impact. You can also note stress levels in a journal

  • Guides: Check out YouTube for free videos, or check out Calm, Headspace or other similar apps for guided meditation

Brain Games

Mixing Colors

In the following image, say aloud the color font you see for every word - NOT the word you read.

Go from left to right, and top down.

Ready. Set. Go!

How’d you do? Try it again bottom to top, right to left. Or randomly.

Credit: SharpBrains

Product Recs

  • 💊 Momentous - unlock your peak performance with Momentous supplements: scientifically proven, clinically backed, and patented formulas. Exclusive offer for Thrive25 subscribers: enjoy a 15% discount off the entire product portfolio. Use Code Thrive at checkout. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your performance journey - shop now!

  • 🍴 Primal Kitchen - Primal Kitchen redefines flavor with a healthy twist, offering an array of irresistible options. Enjoy a 10% discount off your entire order at Primal Kitchen. Don’t miss out - click HERE to claim your discount today!

  • 💪 TMAC Fitness - Max is on day 5 of another 8-week challenge - there’s still time to sign up! Transform your body and mind with TMAC's exclusive program. Take the first step towards a fitter, more balanced you. Get started with TMAC today!

Thanks for another great week!

  • Check out the latest workout videos on our YouTube channel

  • Got feedback, recommendations or stories to share? Tell us what’s on your mind here

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Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25, Inc. does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.