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Issue #19: Slow Down 😌

Good morning. It's Friday, September 9th. Tomorrow Max is celebrating his 11th anniversary and going out on the town...with his 3 kids (which means he'll probably be back with plenty of time for his 7-9 hours of sleep). Congrats on 11 years!! πŸŽ‰

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The percentage increase in lifespan for optimists.

Find Your Trust & Calm

Oxytocin - The Molecule of "Trust"

Often called "the chemical of love", oxytocin is released when we connect with our partners - whether a hug, cuddle session on the couch, or sex*. 

But it's not just romantic love - we also boost oxytocin when we connect with friends and others we care about and trust. 

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*Linked to more intense orgasms too.

Healthy levels of oxytocin increase our own wellbeing, lower our stress levels, and make us more generous/giving towards others. 

So what lowers our oxytocin? Isolation and acute stress are among the biggest factors (e.g., 2020-2021). 

Ways to boost oxytocin:

A few callouts

  • Be Social - I readily admit that I can be lazy, stuck in my routine, or hesitant to get out with friends (I'm sure I'm not the only one). But whether for tennis, surf, or dinner don't lose touch with your friends or be reluctant to make new friends - at any age

  • Touch - even holding hands will boost oxytocin significantly

  • Random Acts of Kindness - just like we teach our kids: giving to others fills their bucket and your own bucket*

  • Raise Your Voice - it's been 25+ years since high school choir, but only 10 since Rock Band! For people that like to belt one out - you can get that tingling feeling if you hit the right note or blast out the right song. So get in the car, find a soundproof room, or sing outside for all to hear

*Book we read to our kids all the time Have you Filled a Bucket Today?

Cortisol - The Molecule of "Danger"

Cortisol is good for you. Wait, what? It's true - cortisol supports your metabolism by controlling how we process carbs, fats, and protein for energy. It also reduces inflammation and blood pressure.  

Our bodies are programmed to manage acute stress - short bursts of potential danger. This fight or flight mode turns off other body functions to focus solely on survival from the immediate threat. 

But this is actually good from a longevity perspective. Actively putting ourselves into safe stressful situations - such as intense exercise, extreme temperature exposure, or short-term fasting - creates hormesis that puts our body into a restorative state. 

So why the bad rap?

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The problem - life today often creates chronic stress. This elevates cortisol for long periods of time and can lead to depression, anxiety, high blood sugar, and weight gain.

Plus, increased cortisol reduces testosterone and all the related negative effects from these low levels. 

Ways to lower cortisol levels and avoid chronic stress

GABA - The Molecule of "Calmness"

Bonus neurotransmitter: GABA isn't as well known as the other molecules we've covered, but it is proving to be important in balancing our internal stimulants (dopamine and adrenaline) to calm the brain. 

Given the increasing chronic stress of daily life, GABA can support anxiety, high blood pressure, and other health issues.

Natural ways to balance GABA:

  • Eat Foods high in Vitamin B6 - spinach, garlic, broccoli (there it is again), brussels sprouts, and bananas

  • Support the Gut - eat fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi) and probiotics

  • Practice Yoga & Meditation 

  • Reduce Stimulants - caffeine, nicotine, chronic stress

Slow Down

On Wednesday, we went on a deep dive of the brain (Issue #17). How does this translate into our decision making?

According to Nobel Prize Winner, Daniel Kahneman, we have two modes of thought:

  • System 1 = fast, instinctive (unconscious), emotional

  • System 2 = slow, deliberate (conscious), logical

Reading Graphics

We often react instantly to situations* - like a traffic jam or incorrect lunch order - with System 1. This leads to fear, anger, or judgment. 

*95% of cognitive activities happen in the unconscious mind. 

But if you are able to get your active brain involved when those situations happen, then you can use System 2.

When you take a beat - this creates "a void" of time. Life slows down for you. You see things more clearly and can make a more productive decision.

To me, this is what I see when watching world-class athletes. They see things that others miss. For them, the game moves slower. They've trained their brain to move so quickly in System 2 that it appears to be unconscious - leading to better decisions and better outcomes for their team. 

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We can do the same thing in our life (even if it's not in front of 20,000 fans). 

Life is About Micro-Moments

Do you have those days when your schedule owns you instead of you owning your schedule? You can't catch up and never feel like you have the time to just be - let alone enjoy.

If we slow down, then we can see things differently. We actually use all 5 of our senses and those little moments aren't just going from A --> B, they are the magic of life. These micro-moments are the real joy. Taking the time to recognize them rewires the brain to have a thriving MINDSET

For me - I absolutely love the smell of salt water air. Makes me think about getting in the surf and just being part of nature. 

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And just yesterday my 5-yr old took the hand of a fellow kindergartener she didn't know to help the girl find her way to her classroom. πŸ’–

These are what make life so special.

What are your micro-moments?? 

Friday Flex

Today's Friday Flex is all about stability. Simple - just 2 exercises that will strengthen your core and balance. 

Click HERE to view the workout on our YouTube channel.

Workout and video courtesy of Connor J. Obrochta. Check out all of Connor's workouts on Playbook!

In the spirit of listening to music you love to boost oxytocin - here's one we should have played last week when we were talking about REM sleep:

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Saw these guys just a few years ago at Hollywood Bowl. Hall still has great hair and Oates was still rocking the 'stache - they've still got it! 

Hope you enjoy and have an absolutely amazing weekend!!

See you Monday for some insights on Supplements

Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.