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Issue #15: The 67-yr old beach lifeguard

Good morning. It’s Friday, September 2nd. How about Serena turning back the clock and beating the #2 seed in her final US Open? On this day in 1971, Jimmy Connors won his first US Open match - he'd go on to win this major championship 5 times, plus make a run to the semifinals 20 years later in 1991 as a 39-yr old. (Can you tell we love this tennis tournament??) 🎾 

Quick Programming Note: Like the rest of you, we'll be enjoying Labor Day with the rest on Monday (the plan right now is a family bike ride and picnic at the park). We'll be kicking off Thrive25 on Tuesday next week!

The increased probability to be infected by the common cold (rhinovirus) if you average less than 7 hours of sleep per night

Sleep + Immunity

Remember how sleep impacts our memory? I know - that was way back on Wednesday this week (Issue #13), and no this isn't a test. 😊

Deep sleep (Non-REM Stage 3 + 4) is when we create new memories. The slow brain waves (delta waves) are what allow the brain to recover in order to consolidate what we've learned. These waves move at about one wave per second, compared to gamma waves that are like 10-40 per second when we are awake and concentrating. 


Turns out, it's during our deep sleep that our immune system gets smarter too!

T Cells

We can more easily prevent or fight bacteria and viruses that already attacked us thanks to our memory T cells. These cells recognize the unwanted virus (or even a similar virus) and more quickly jump into action.

So deep sleep doesn't just help us remember snorkeling in Hawaii back in 2015 - it also helps our T cells remember that awful flu we had later that year. 

Natural Killer Cells

Once the T cells remember how to fight the virus, they call in the natural killer cells to take it down. 

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Armed with the blueprint of what to do from the T cells, the natural killer cells move quickly to evict the pathogen from our body. This doesn't only include viruses and bacteria. Natural killer cells are especially adept at going after cancer cells too!

Just one night of sleep limited to 4 hours of sleep decreases natural killer cell activity by 70% - just one night! 

Moral of the story this week 

It's NOT: "I'll sleep when I die"...

Instead it's: "I'm sleeping so I can live (longer, better, and smarter)"

Weekly Insights

Summary of Operation "Good Night Sleep"

1. Use Light to Reset your Circadian Rhythm - get Sunlight first thing in the morning and no Blue Light at least 2 hrs before bed (or at least wear blue light blocking glasses). (Issue #12)

2. Optimize your Body Temp - warm up your body in the AM (cold shower & movement) and cool down in the PM (warm shower & cool environment).

3. Caffeinate at the Right Time - try to fight through the first 90-120 minutes after waking up without caffeine and limit it after 12pm. (Issue #13)

4. Prepare Body for Sleep - eat dinner & cut off the alcohol 2-3 hrs before bed and limit water intake 1-2 hrs before bed. (Issue #11)

5. Clear Your Mind - write down anything that might keep you up at night, don't watch anything intense/scary, and wake up with a sense of positive purpose (more on this coming next week!).


1. The bedroom is a sacred place. 

We get it - many of us now rely on home offices and some of us might live in studio apartments. Limited space means the bedroom needs to serve multiple purposes.

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But to the extent possible - the bedroom should be only for sleeping, maybe reading, and sex. That's it! 

Try to find another space for the office and get electronics out of the room (including that laptop and yes, even the wall mounted TV).

Keep it Clean; Keep it Cool; Keep it Calm

Still not feeling relaxed? Try a drop of lavender oil on your bed. 


The 67-Year Old Beach Lifeguard

Credit: Wall Street Journal

Eric Greensmith was a beach lifeguard in New Jersey in 50 years ago. After recently retiring, he committed to getting in shape and to getting back his old summer job.

After spending a year to lose 35 pounds, he passed the fitness test of running a half-mile in 3 min 45 sec and swimming 500 meters in 10 minutes and the job was his. 

“I haven’t been in this good of shape since the Navy,” he says. “I used to say I’m in good shape for my age, but now I don’t need to use that caveat.”

Check out his full story here - which includes his workout, diet, and essential gear.

Friday Flex

You know what is super important? Protecting your lower back! 

Today's Superhero Flex workout is all about spine mobility so that whether you're starting a new fitness program or sitting too much - you can be more confident you're guarding yourself against a back injury. 

Click HERE to view the workout on our YouTube channel.

Workout and video courtesy of Connor J. Obrochta. Check out all of Connor's workouts on Playbook!

If you find yourself with a quiet moment this weekend - here's Otis Redding's classic Sitting on the Dock of the Bay to take in the last few days of summer:

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Whether you're heading to the beach 🏖️, watching the US Open/College Football 🏈, or partying with friends & family 🎉 - enjoy the holiday weekend!! 

See you on Tuesday! 

Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25, Inc. does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.