Welcome to Thrive25

Thanks for joining our thousands in our community interested in simplifying their health & longevity!

Here’s what to expect…

You’re about to start getting 3-5 min emails on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday aimed to optimize your health & longevity! 

Don’t worry - this isn’t a BS newsletter that’s just going to send you to a bunch of random links to articles you don’t want to read AND it isn’t going to bore you with a bunch of science that leaves you wondering “ok so what do I do now?”


Instead, you’re about to get real quick reads with tips you can implement right away and just the key insights you need to feel like you can really own your health. 

We’re also going to throw in some tasty recipes, challenging workout options, interesting science from respected experts, and hopefully a few funny jokes along the way. 

NOT included - an agenda, bias, gimmicks, or clickbait.

Why We Started Thrive25

As 40-something dads, both of us have felt our bodies and minds start to slow down just a bit. Well we weren’t ready for that. Our prime years are still ahead of us - so what can we do? 

We started down the path of learning everything we could to optimize our health.  

But there’s just too much information out there - it’s pretty much impossible to keep up with everything (trust - us, we’ve tried). Even speed reading or listening to podcasts at 1.5x speed doesn’t work.

So we decided to take all this data and put it together in a way that’s easy to read and, more importantly, easy to use

Thrive25 is the result of our efforts. 

Whether you are in your 30’s and want to keep your health for decades in the future or in your 50’s or 60’s and want to live your life to the fullest... 

Welcome to the Thrive25 community.

We’re just getting started!

Let’s Stay Connected

Be on the lookout for our welcome email. These can sometimes get stuck in spam, junk or promotions folder. 

If it’s in one of these folders - move it into your inbox to make sure that doesn’t happen when the real newsletters start coming your way!

Your Guide to Health & Longevity