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Issue #49: Surviving 76 Days Lost At Sea

Good morning. It’s Friday, October 21st. It's National Apple Day. Apples have a high amount of quercetin (but make sure to eat the skin) one of the most powerful antioxidants. So join me with a honeycrisp today - and don't forget the nut butter. 🍎

  • From the Lab: Weekly Insights

  • Take Action: Gut Translator

  • Inspiration: 76 Days Lost at Sea

  • Friday Flex: Deadlift Stretch & Superman

  • Brain Games: Months, Meses, Mois, Mesyatsy (Izvinite - no Cyrillic characters)

The amount of total sugar the average American consumes each year and half of us eat 2x this amount. This is up 30% just in my lifetime (100 lbs in 1980). Way back in 1900 the average American only ate 40 lbs per year. We're just saying. 

Credit: NYTimes, LinkedIn, Business Insider

Weekly Insights

Click HERE to check out previous issues in the Thrive25 archive.

Take Action

Sometimes we don't understand the language of our gut and we need a translator. We've talked about our personal health challenges with this. A majority of people will have some gut problems by the age of 50. 

One of our readers, Mike G. worked with FoodMarble as that gut translator. Mike and his wife (because this takes teamwork) quit sugar for 21 days, completed a FODMAP isolation exercise and used a kit from FoodMarble to identify trigger areas.

The Result?  Mike no longer eats foods with sorbitol (e.g., apricots, eggplants, corn, etc.) and says "Life is way better now!"

We haven't tried this exercise ourselves, but if you want to learn more about your gut check out FoodMarble, Ombre, Levl or other companies with similar products.

*Thrive25 has no affiliation or commercial relationship with FoodMarble, Levl or Ombre and is not formally recommending any one company

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Exciting news - Seed Health is giving ALL Thrive25 readers 20% off their first month of DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic. Just use code THR25 at checkout! 

DS-01™ includes 24 scientifically validated probiotic strains with a patented, non-fermenting prebiotic. This breakthrough formulation not only supports gut health, but also heart and skin health. 

Go to Seed Health and check out their DS-01™ for adults and PDS-08™ Pediatric Daily Synbiotic for kids ages 3-17.


For 76 days Steven Callahan drifted 2,000 miles across the Atlantic in a 6 foot life raft. 

His sailboat capsized and he was left with 2 weeks worth of food & water and a single t-shirt. What kept Steven alive? 

His survival expertise and ingenuity helped him get fish and fresh water (he even recognized eating the organs of the fish for more nutrients). But there was something else too, equally essential - his will and belief. 

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Steven actually divided up his mind - almost personifying the different voices in our head. "My emotional self feels fear and my physical self feels pain. I instinctively rely on my rational self to take command over the fear and pain." 

This rational voice kept him from drinking all the water or eating all the food - knowing they were needed for every tomorrow that would come. This wasn't him losing his mind at sea - we all have these internal bouts everyday and make decisions based on these voices. 

He said he realized how much more strength and adaptability he had than he believed was inside him. But at the same time was humbled by his insignificance in this magnificent world. In the end - it changed how he viewed what was most important. 

Before this voyage, I always had what I needed - food, shelter, clothing, and companionship - yet I was often dissatisfied when I didn’t get everything I wanted, when people didn’t meet my expectations, when a goal was thwarted, or I couldn’t acquire some material good. My plight has given me a strange kind of wealth, the most important kind.

Check out the video above or read his book, Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost At Sea, for a full account of the journey.

Friday Flex

Lower back focus to head into the weekend. We do the Romanian Deadlift stretch before nearly every workout and and Superman is great to keep that lower back and core strong.

Click HERE to view the workout on our YouTube channel.

Workout and video courtesy of Connor J. Obrochta. Check out all of Connor's workouts on Playbook!

Brain Games

2-min Break

What value should be placed in the empty triangle?**

Why: work the executive functions in your frontal lobes by using your pattern recognition, hypothesis testing, and logic.

Credit: Wes Carroll (via SharpBrains)

10-min Focus

Say the months of the year in alphabetical order. Easy? Try doing it backwards (reverse alphabetical order). Speak other languages? Try to do the same in all languages you're fluent, or at least took for 4 years in HS.

Why: train your attention and working memory

Credit: SharpBrains

**For answer, scroll to the bottom of the post

Thanks for a great week! I think we're going to try to hit the beach on Saturday 🏖️ - while Max is trying to take advantage of 70 degree temps this weekend in Chicago - botanic garden, soccer game and pumpkin picking. 🌺⚽🎃 Would love to hear about your fun plans this weekend! 

** Brain Games Answer **


SOLUTION: The top number minus the bottom left-hand number is multiplied by the bottom right-hand number to give the number inside the triangle.

Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.