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Issue #43: A Path to Social Revival

Good morning. It’s Thursday, October 13th. Just a moment to say thank you to our amazing readers. Every day (literally) we have more people reading each issue. We really appreciate you and are working to make Thrive25 even better for you all. 🙏

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The marathon time for Gustav Iden last Saturday in Kona, HI. You might ask, why’s this the Stat of the Day when the world record is 35 min faster at 2:01:09? Because Gustav did this AFTER completing the first two legs (2.4 mi swim and 112 mi bike) of the Ironman World Championships. Doesn't even compute in my brain! 

Hiker or Driver?

A two-hour hike had turned into a sweltering four hours and we still hadn't reached our destination somewhere in the Santa Monica Mountains. 

We passed some hikers on their way down - they stopped, offered some water and encouraged us we were almost there. I got a little bounce in my step and the positive vibes carried us to the top of the trail. 

Why do hikers always smile and say hello to everyone they meet, but drivers use their middle finger to communicate with the rest of the world? 

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Engaging with strangers is an essential part of human connection. Even a little head nod as you cross the street, a thumbs-up during your run, or wry smile to another parent at the playground reaffirms our human connection. These moments remind us that we have purpose and value for others.

Vivek Murthy calls out the example of asking a stranger at a coffee shop to watch his computer while he goes to the bathroom. As the one being trusted to watch over someone else's stuff, we get an intrinsic boost in our own self-worth

And that driver that cut you off - who knows what they're dealing with? Getting pissed off isn't going to make you feel better. In fact, it's just going to raise your own cortisol level and that ripple effect will continue to infiltrate hundreds or thousands of others. 

  1. How can you make someone's day or simply acknowledge them?

  2. What interactions do you avoid that even as an introvert would make you feel better in your day?

  3. When someone acts like an a**hole, can you empathize the stress they must have and move on without it ruining the next few minutes of your life?

BONUS: Get Social

I'll be honest - I'm a self-diagnosed introvert (at least that's what I got from the book "Quiet"). But more and more I recognize the value from interactions with people I barely know.

My daughter's school has a very active "Dad's Club" so we don't give that awkward "hey" to the guy with a daughter in the same class, but we never learn each other's name or anything about each other. It's not about being best buds, it's about connecting with others going through the exact same life situation at the same time. 

Try something new: volunteering at Habitat for Humanity or the local soup kitchen, joining a running club instead of just running solo, or taking a class on something you always wanted to learn - whatever it is, don't hesitate to be a part of the community. You might be surprised how good it feels. 

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Vous Vitamin personalizes a daily all-in-one vitamin blend for your health and lifestyle, eliminating the guesswork of selecting the right vitamin combination. A brief online assessment goes into their proprietary, doctor-developed algorithm to identify the perfect vitamin blend for you. 

All Thrive25 subscribers will receive 25% off - you can select either a 1-month trial or a multi-month subscription delivered right to your door. Go to Vous Vitamin and use code THRIVE25 at checkout.

Speed Read

Health & Longevity in the News

Iden Wins Ironman World Championship: Norwegian Gustav Iden finished the Ironman (140.6 mi) Kona in 7:40:24, breaking the course record by more than 10 minutes. Iden ended the race with a sub 6-min pace marathon to win by 2 min over Frenchman Sam Laidlow. I’m pumped - where’s my wetsuit! Oh wait, how far's the swim? 

Arousal Meditation: When we picture meditation, it's sitting cross-legged taking deep, calming breaths to reduce our stress. New research shows it can also work to stimulate our sympathetic nervous system and get us into periods of intense focus and top performance. Not sure most of us need this like Top Gun pilots, but...

Pumpkin Spiced Everything: It’s that time of year, everything pumpkin. Hate to be that guy, but these "pumpkin" products - lattes, cookies, donuts - have more sugar than pumpkin. But real pumpkin and its seeds are packed with nutrients, including one of our favorites - magnesium (only 85 seeds for 1 serving!). Check out these 20 healthy ways to add pumpkins to your menu.

Special Bonus - if you want a laugh, check out this "old" Pumpkin Spiced Latte video. (**WARNING**: explicit material - not family friendly, but damn funny). 

Thursday Night In

Another fan favorite in our house, this pizza is really easy and delicious. With this pizza you can sneak in some green veggies - spinach and superfood broccoli (Issue #3). Plus, using the cauliflower crust is gluten-free and lower carb than the usual pie.

Hey it's pizza, so add or remove toppings based on your taste.

Pro Tip: If you have a pizza oven, or even a conventional oven, bake how you would normally, but get eyes on the pizza a few min early to see how it's doing.

Answer to Yesterday’s (Issue #42) Logic Puzzle

Question: In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling? Left or right?

Answer: Left. At least that's the answer if you are in the U.S. or anywhere else where you drive on the right side of the road. But for those mourning the Queen, the answer is Right.

Why? Well, any 1st grader will tell you - "because you can't see the door" (ok, maybe 3rd grader). The key to solving problems is sometimes not about what you can see, but what's missing. Always consider another perspective.

Thanks for joining us today! Tomorrow, we'll close out human connection and give you some inspiration for the weekend. BTW - Happy Birthday Rick! We're quickly becoming a birthday newsletter...or January's just a busy month.

Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.