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Issue #39: 90-Yr Old Triathlete

Good morning. It’s Friday, October 7th. For you Tampa fans - 30 years ago today (1992) the expansion Tampa Bay Lightning won their first game as a new franchise. 

Don't forget to tell your friends about Thrive25 - check out our referral program at the bottom of this email.

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Average annual decrease in total testosterone for middle-aged men. It seems small, but it's like compound interest quickly adds up - leading to several chronic conditions including depression and obesity. Guys in "apparent good health"* had 10-15% higher male hormones.

*Defined as free of chronic illness, prescription meds, obesity, excessive drinking

Weekly Insights

1. You're the CEO...your doctor is just your Advisor. Own Your Health. (Issue #35)

2. Hire the Right Doctor...that will serve you and your health goals. Fire 'em if it isn't the right fit. (Issue #38).

3. Know Your Vitals...don't worry as much about gravity (weight), focus on your waist and body fat. Bonus, keep that Pulse Pressure under 50. (Issue #36)

4. Don't Be Scared...get annual blood work and check here to know optimal results for the Top 10 metabolic biomarkers. (Issue #37)

Click HERE to check out previous issues in the Thrive25 archive.

Friday Bonus: 3 Hormone Tests

1. Testosterone

An essential hormone for both men and women (women actually have way more testosterone than estrogen, just much less than men). It’s not just about sex either - low testosterone can lead to brain fog, low energy, lack of motivation, and even depression.*

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The standard test is Total Testosterone. But most testosterone (95%+) attaches to carrier proteins (namely sex hormone-binding globulin - SHBG). This “bound” testosterone can’t access the nucleus of the cell to give you the energy and blood flow you need. 

All that to say - Measure FREE Testosterone (unbound). The optimal ranges can vary significantly so make sure you talk to your doctor about this result. 

*Further reading on testosterone in Dr. Tracy Gapin's Book, Male 2.0

2. Thyroid 

If you’re diagnosed with low testosterone, a poorly functioning thyroid might be one of the culprits. So wait - what is the thyroid? It’s a little gland in your neck that releases hormones that control our metabolism. 

The standard test is Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - TSH. Recent research shows that the range of normal or optimal are much lower than what it might show on the standard report. Try to keep this below 2 uIU/mL (1 uIU/mL is ideal).

Also, measure T3. It’s the main thyroid hormone that gives us great looking hair and energy throughout the day.

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The optimal range is 5 - 7 pmol/L. If you get results in another metric, here’s an online calculator to translate your result into pmol/L. 

3. Cortisol

If you recall back to Issue #19, cortisol is your fight or flight hormone. Some is good, but chronic high levels of cortisol impedes the production of testosterone.*

*Check out this Video with Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. George Papanicolaou for more details. 

Personal Note: I had high levels of cortisol back in my previous job when we just had my newborn. A Functional Medicine Doctor prescribed ashwagandha and it seemed to work for me.*

Be sure to check this hormone - especially if you think stress might be a factor in keeping you from thriving! 

*Not advice or recommendation - check with your medical professional for your personal needs

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Have you taken the Vous Vitamin quiz yet?

Find out what nutrients you need most as you get a personalized daily all-in-one vitamin blend for your health and lifestyle, eliminating the guesswork of selecting the right vitamin combination. 

All Thrive25 subscribers will receive 25% off for life - you can select either a 1-month trial or a multi-month subscription delivered right to your door. Go to Vous Vitamin and use code THRIVE25 at Checkout.


At 48, a nun was told by a priest that running was a way to "harmonize mind, body, and soul." So she started running.

Within four years, the "Iron Nun" Sister Madonna Buder completed a half-ironman (70.3) and then a full Ironman. She's since raced in 45 Ironman events - including Ironman Canada, which she completed at the age of 82 - a world record

Madonna Buder, 2014 (83 yrs young) - Outside Magazine

And she's still going. In May 2021, she crashed during a bike ride - breaking her shoulder, collarbone, and 4 ribs. But just a few months later she was back to swimming, running, and biking. 

Her success? She says "The 7 D's":

Dream -> Desire -> Dedication -> Discipline -> Determination -> Dare (to) -> Do (it)

Check out her full story in Outside Magazine and an incredible video from USA Triathlon

Friday Flex

Multiple ways to use the balance ball for a tough 5-min core workout. 

Click HERE to view the workout on our YouTube channel.

Workout and video courtesy of Connor J. Obrochta. Check out all of Connor's workouts on Playbook!

Thanks for another great week. Whether it's a long weekend for you (off Monday) or just a regular Saturday & Sunday go have some fun! I'll give an update on the Zac Brown Band concert next week - check out this violin solo to open up Free/Into The Mystic:

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Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

Sign up for free:

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.