Issue #389: Are We the Problem?

Good morning. It’s Friday, September 27th.

In today’s email:

  • Focus: Wellbeing “Burnout”

  • Try: Cooking Family-Style

  • In the News: Staying Active with a Back Injury

  • Brain Games: Navigation

Stat of the Day

Percentage of people who cite loneliness as the top reason for feeling “wellness burnout” - defined as a state of physical, mental, or social exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. (Lululemon Global Wellness Report, 2024)


Wellbeing “Burnout”

There’s more health news out there than ever before.

I mean we’re approaching our 400th issue and every week I get pitched by a new health newsletter to get in front of our readers to promote what they have to say.

Our mission comes from the core belief that our health is holding us back from living our best life.

We focus on how we can provide a plan to optimize health & longevity - so that everyone knows what to do and how to do it.

But are there negative effects to all this emphasis on health & longevity??

According to Lululemon’s recently released 2024 Global Wellbeing Report, 45% of people are feeling “wellness burnout.”

There’s no doubt that all the crazy posts and “perfect” influencers on social media can make you feel like it’s impossible to keep up with everything you “should” be doing for your health & longevity.

But check out our Stat of the Day - it’s not so much the pressure of being healthy. It’s having to do it on your own - or worse when it’s not what your social circle is doing.

Trying to lose weight when your partner doesn’t care about healthy eating is nearly impossible.

Always suggesting hikes and walks when your friends just want to drink at happy hour is exhausting.

When asked the number one suggestion for what an individual living in modern America (and not planning to forego the conveniences of modern living) can do to improve their health, Dan Buettner (Blue Zone expert*) responded:

Carefully curate your circle of friends that you spend time with.
— Dan Buettner

In other words - surround yourself with people who have the same values and goals when it comes to health & longevity.

I was reminded about that this week when yet another massive hurricane was about to strike Florida. The kids would be unexpectedly home from school for three days and there was a really good chance we’d be living/working without power for a while.

On Wed morning my wife said, “I’ve got the kids - go workout.” She knew how important it was for me to get in my workout before being stuck at home.

And while our grocery list was still mostly stuff that wouldn’t require the fridge, it was as healthy as possible, things like fruit (apples, pears, avocados) and protein bars. Nothing worse than kids (or us adults) trapped inside with brains high on sugar for 3 days!

The point is - we’re not perfect and you shouldn’t be either, but we’re supporting each other to become and to be the person we want when it comes to our health.

Max and I do the same thing. The hours launching this new product are long and as the Surgeon General pointed out - working parents get crushed (see FULL REPORT) - so we need to instill a culture that celebrates everything we preach while we work.

Being healthy isn’t easy. But it’s nearly impossible without people around you who want what’s best for you and for themselves.

Don’t get stressed about all this wellness stuff.

Find your tribe and do what you can for the health you want - that’s what this journey is all about.

*There’s been some recent controversy surrounding the Blue Zones with suggestions that these locations are more about fraud and poor record keeping than they are about longevity. My view is that it’s probably a little of both - but that there are tons we can learn from these societies for our health and quality of life. If you want to read more, Blue Zones has responded to all allegations HERE.

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Join the 20-Day Fall Challenge!

TMAC is kicking off a 20-day, 20-min workout Fall Challenge! Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, this challenge is designed to boost your energy, improve your strength, and foster a sense of community.

Don’t take my word for it - here’s what Jason Wachob, CEO of mindbodygreen says, “If you want to get in the best shape of your life, in the privacy of your own home, then there is no better place to start than TMAC.”

Take the first step towards a fitter, more balanced you! Join the FREE 20-day Fall Challenge by clicking HERE!


Cooking Family Style

Dan’s other suggestion is a weekly “family” meal - it doesn’t have to be your actual family, just the people around you.

Cooking together has amazing benefits:

  • You’ll enjoy clean ingredients without the oils and additives found in restaurants.

  • There’s a real sense of pride in creating something delicious and sharing it with others.

  • You’ll boost the number of smiles and laughs shared in the kitchen and around the table.

Turn your favorite recipes into “go to” meals for more nights in with great food, instead of reaching for takeout.

H&L in the News

Staying Active with Back Pain: After severe back pain ended her running journey, this athlete shares her favorite low-impact workouts - from biking to pool running - that keep her moving, pain-free, and fit. Discover how she transformed her fitness routine. (Outside)

Guardians of the Gut: Discover the hidden world of the phageome - viruses that manage your gut’s ecosystem. These tiny “bacteria eaters” could hold the key to rebalancing gut health and combating disease. (Knowable)

The Good, the Bad, and the Ultraprocessed: Not all ultraprocessed foods are created equal. While sugary drinks and processed meats raise health risks, items like whole grain cereals might be less harmful. Discover what to cut and what to limit in your diet. (NYTimes)

Brain Games


You are heading NORTH in your car. After navigating these signs, which direction are you heading?

**For answer, scroll to the bottom of the post

Product Recs

  • Bulletproof - fuel your journey to a better you with Bulletproof. Elevate your performance with science-backed, functional nutrition from a wide range of coffees, proteins and supplements. Click HERE to start your transformation

  • 💊 Momentous - unlock your peak performance with Momentous supplements: scientifically proven, clinically backed, and patented formulas. Exclusive offer for Thrive25 subscribers: enjoy a 15% discount off the entire product portfolio. Use Code Thrive at checkout. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your performance journey - shop now!

  • 🍴 Primal Kitchen - Primal Kitchen redefines flavor with a healthy twist, offering an array of irresistible options. Enjoy a 10% discount off your entire order at Primal Kitchen. Don’t miss out - click HERE to claim your discount today!

  • 🌎 Zero Acre Farms - seed oils can have real negative effects on our health - but they’re in almost everything we eat. Made by fermentation, not deforestation, Zero Acre Farms cultured oil uses 85% less land than canola oil, emits 86% less CO2 than soybean oil, and requires 99% less water than olive oil. Get 15% off your order with code THRIVE25 today!

Thanks for another great week!

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  • Check out the latest videos on our YouTube channel

  • Got feedback, recommendations or stories to share? Tell us what’s on your mind here

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** Brain Games Answer **


Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

Sign up for free:

The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25, Inc. does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.


Issue #390: Gluten - Friend or Foe?


Issue #388: Pumping Iron (Fe)