Issue #366: The Master Antioxidant

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, July 9th.

In today’s email:

  • Learn: The Master Antioxidant

  • Try: No Spray Lawns

  • Measure: Glutathione

  • In the News: The Best Energy Drinks

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Stat of the Day

The amount of the antioxidant glutathione in healthy lungs compared to the rest of our body. (source)


The Master Antioxidant

We’ve all heard about antioxidants - they fight free radicals. Well that’s not exactly what happens.

Environmental stress - like extensive exposure to lead, mercury or pesticides - activate molecules with an unpaired electron.

These molecules will do anything they can to find a pair - even if that means attacking another molecule. If left unchecked, this “oxidative stress” will progress and do damage to all of our macronutrients - proteins, carbs, fats - and even our DNA.

That’s why exposure to any toxins that bring in free radicals - like smoking - accelerate how quickly we age.

Fortunately, our body is equipped with “antioxidants.” These molecules are willing to give up their electrons to stop the chain reaction of free radicals, which now become stable.

Most of these antioxidants are well known - Vitamin C, Vitamin A (beta carotene), Vitamin E. But the master antioxidant is glutathione (glü-tə-thī-ōn).

It’s the most powerful antioxidant our body produces. Made in the liver and consisting of three amino acids (what the kids call a tripeptide), glutathione is our #1 tool to shield us from free radicals and away from chronic disease.

It specifically latches on to toxins that our body is trying to break down. It’s able to neutralize toxins such as: air pollution, heavy metals, pesticides, and turn them into water-soluble molecules that our body can then get rid of - either as urine through the kidneys or bile through the liver.

One of its most important jobs is protecting our mitochondria (our power plants) from these free radicals. This way it protects our body from being able to consistently make energy and keep us operating at 100%.

Other benefits of glutathione include:

Brain health - most neurological diseases have high levels of oxidative stress in the brain and low active glutathione levels.

Immune health - glutathione supports natural killer (NK) and T cells, part of our defense system when invaders attack.

Skin health - reduces wrinkles and aging skin.

While the research is still early or inconclusive, glutathione might also make us better athletes (or at least help us recover because we produce less lactic acid), reduce heart problems, and lower inflammation.

Most of us should have enough glutathione. We actually have a ton of it in our cells. But it degrades as we age. And the chronic exposure to an environment of toxins puts us at risk of deficiency.

That’s why there’s been a big trend to push glutathione supplements and IV’s.

But here’s the thing - taking an oral supplement isn’t going to do anything because most of the glutathione won’t be absorbed. IV’s are temporary (and expensive) fixes, and other methods - such as skin sprays - are not 100% proven to be effective.

So rather than jump straight to a supplement - focus on what is known to boost glutathione naturally…

Eat the right foods

  • Grass-fed whey protein (need protein with cysteine, glutamate, and glycine)

  • Almonds

  • Brazil Nuts (selenium is a key builder of glutathione)

  • Turmeric

  • Avocado

  • Okra

  • Asparagus (steam it though - grilling it lowers the glutathione content)

Reduce exposure to chemicals and lower daily stress levels through deep breathing techniques.

Get moderate exercise 5+ days a week.

Limit the drinks - chronic drinking has been shown to reduce lung glutathione levels by 80-90%!


No Spray Lawns

We get enough toxins just by normal living - we ingest free radicals in every breath we take. Don’t make it even worse by using Roundup in your yard or garden.

A green lawn isn’t worth the cost of what this stuff does to our health - always read the ingredients of any chemicals you put in your yard and keep it as toxic-free as possible for you, your family, and your pets.

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

When you’re not outside and absolutely have to be in front of a screen - get Their quick break feature improves your health and your mind with quick 10-second breaks throughout the day.

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If you'd like to bring this powerful wellness tool to your workplace, simply reply to this email and let us know where our partners at can reach you.



So how do we know if we have enough of this critical antioxidant in the body that protects cells from oxidative stress?

What Does Glutathione Measure?

Glutathione levels indicate the antioxidant capacity of the body and its ability to neutralize free radicals. It also reflects the efficiency of detoxification processes and the status of immune health. Low glutathione levels can signal increased oxidative stress, poor detoxification, and potential vulnerability to diseases.

Glutathione exists in two forms:

  1. Reduced glutathione (GSH) - the active, antioxidant form of glutathione

  2. Oxidized glutathione (GSSG)

You want the ratio of GSH : GSSG > 10 : 1 - this signifies a healthy, oxidative stress-resistant state.

However, given the lack of available (and reliable) testing of glutathione - this is rarely a test you can get. The best approach is to recognize symptoms (lack of energy, low immunity, joint and muscle pain) as an indicator to follow the recommendations shared above.

H&L in the News

Energy Drinks: Sometimes you need a pick-me-up. The best energy drinks don’t have the “extras” listed in the ingredients - dyes and preservatives, sugars and artificial sweeteners, and be wary of caffeine levels. (Levels Health)

  • On a personal note - I like the advice from this article, but not sure about all the recommended brands. I steer clear of Celsius because it crushes my gut. My go-to brand to check out that’s really clean and just caffeine + l-theanine from green tea is Ardor Energy Drinks.

Heating Up: Rising temperatures and shifts in weather patterns build up air pollution that can be harmful, which causes asthma, allergies and pulmonary diseases. (Source)

California Sober: More younger Americans are shunning alcohol while embracing cannabis, ketamine and psychedelics, shaking up the field of addiction medicine. (New York Times)

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We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25, Inc. does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.


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