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Issue #127: Is Love Still There?

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, February 14th - Valentine's Day. So who is St. Valentine anyway? First, which one - there's at least a dozen, even a pope. Let's go with St. Valentine of Rome - who not only oversees lovers, but is the patron saint of beekeeping, epilepsy, plagues, fainting and traveling. Quite an eclectic list.

And what about today? In 1375, it seems Geoffrey Chaucer used his imagination and a well-received poem ("Parliament of Foules") to create the holiday. He'd probably be on board with Safer Internet Day and Extraterrestrial Culture Day - two lesser known national holidays today.

  • From the Lab: After the Fog of Early Infatuation

  • Take Action: Turn Judgment Into Curiosity

  • Speed Read: A.I., M.D.

  • Tuesday QR: Keto Cheesecake for V-Day

  • Bucket List: Methana, Greece

Number of roses grown just for Valentine's Day (apparently Red Roses were a favorite of Venus, Roman Goddess of Love). Men spend $158 on gifts, women only $75 - but it's the thought that counts, right? Want more stats - Source

From the Lab

Ah - Valentine’s Day. I’m sure you’re planning the perfect date night with a prix fixe four-course meal at a restaurant the required reservations six weeks ago. No doubt it will be all roses with engaging dinner conversation, tons of laughs, followed by some hot lovin’ to end the night. 


Even the best relationships change over time - especially if you have kids. Once we get beyond the “fog of early infatuation” we get to know the real person we decided to spend so much of our life with.* 

Being a parent is one of the most stressful times of life (TED TALK). Happiness as a couple goes down the moment we have kids and then pops up when we become empty nesters. 

The Woolf

How important is this bounce in happiness? The size of boost predicts how long a couple will live. It's true - the quality of your relationship as a couple as shown through science extends (or lowers) your longevity! 

But wait - you don’t want to wait for the next 10-20 years to be happy again? 

Whether you have kids or not, stress will be a part of your relationship - it’s inevitable. 

Why would I want to want to do the dishes?

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But like we say over (Issue #19) and over (Issue #98) - life is all about slowing down.

Stress raises our cortisol - we go into fight or flight mode and our reptilian brain takes over. Survival mode pushes us to look outward, not inward. So we think our partner is the problem and needs to change. 

Pointing fingers isn’t going to make for a romantic dinner - and forget about the late night fun. 

*From the book, "After the Honeymoon" (Dan Wile)

Take Action

1. Judgment —> Curiosity. Instead of just judging your partner and blindly reacting when they piss you off, try to, instead, figure out why they're doing what they're doing, why you’re so mad, and ways to solve it together. Don't stop learning about them. 

2. Reset Expectations. Daniel Gilbert suggests the goal isn’t necessarily daily happiness, but long-term fulfillment. Don’t compare life today to life yesterday - that's a recipe for disaster.*

*For further reading, "Stumbling on Happiness".

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

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Enter Strongest! The app has 1,000+ functional fitness workouts for iPhone + Apple Watch with in-app pacing guidance + analysis to help you achieve more goals. 

For a limited time, Thrive25 readers get this 100% free. - CLICK HERE. Check out this awesome app today. 

Speed Read

Health & Longevity in the News

Expiration Dating: Milk expire tomorrow? “Food product dating,” as the USDA calls it, is completely voluntary, and actually just refers to “peak quality” - can you trust them? Check out this article to learn more about when to throw out eggs, milk, beans, and other food staples. (NYTimes)

Artificial Intelligence, M.D.: ChatGPT passed the U.S. medical licensing exam (USMLE). It’s a significant milestone in AI, as the model produced “at least one significant insight that was new, non-obvious and clinically valid” for roughly 90% of its responses. (Read more)

Come to Florida for…the Food?: Move over Florida Man, the state is looking to break stigma (yes - I'm taking some new resident pride here). Known for Hooters, Olive Garden and Gatorade, Michelin devoted a U.S. guide to the Sunshine state last year - the 5th destination in the U.S. (after NYC, DC, Chicago and Cali). Why? Stone crab, steamed oysters, Cuban sandwiches, fresh orange juice, guava pastelitos, key lime pie…hungry? (WSJ)

Tuesday QR (Quick Recipe)

Cheesecake has always been one of my favorites - here's a health(ish) version with barely any sugar that your better half will love for V-Day dessert! 

Low Carb Spark

Pro Tip: Make sure you get full-fat dairy products. If possible, always shoot for organic and grass-fed. 

Bucket List

Methana, Greece

Greece is a beautiful country with rich history that creates enduring memories. Max honeymooned in Athens, Santorini and Crete - they loved it so much, they went back two years later and checked out Mykonos. 

30 miles southwest of Athens, but 2½ hours by car around the Aegean Sea, sits the nearest active volcano - Methana on a peninsula of the same name. Relatively unknown to tourists, in recent years hiking trails that date back to the Bronze Age have been recreated for passage. Greek mythology is ever present near and around the volcano, and you can relax at hot springs or ancient baths, or just stare off into the crystal blue waters at a beachside café.

Greece Travel

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Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.