Issue #118: Breaking Bad Habits

Good morning. It's Wednesday, February 1st. In 1950, Curly Lambeau (famous field in Green Bay) retires after 31 years and 6 football titles and in 1958 the U.S. launches its first satellite into orbit (there are now over 6,500 in space with 3,372 active). And on the anniversary of MLK's arrest in Selma (1965), we celebrate the start of Black History Month - this year's theme is Resistance.

Habits demand less cognitive effort, and thus become our default mode of behavior when stressed.
— Tom Smeets, PhD
  • From the Lab: Bad Habits Start With Stress

  • Take Action: Breaking the Bad Habit Loop

  • Speed Read: Mutant Genes

  • Wednesday Weights: Lunge & Bridge

  • What We're Listening To: Dhru Purohit: Inside Big Soda

61% of Americans were trying to break unhealthy habits developed during COVID (30% too much screen time, 22% poor eating habits and 21% sleeping too much or too little).

From the Lab

Why are some habits so hard to break? 

Without realizing it, we’re often on autopilot. Habits make up 45 percent of the choices we make everyday. In the “The Power of Habit,” Charles Duhigg called out the 3-step process for a habit: 1) a CUE triggers the brain into autopilot; 2) the ROUTINE is what we do; 3) the REWARD tells us to do it again. 

Once this loop is established it’s really tough to break. 

Plus, some “bad” habits - being addicted to Instagram (not our profile of course, just everyone else 😉), checking sports scores when playing with your kids, guzzling soda (see podcast below), or smoking - send us shots of dopamine (Issue #18), which we crave.

A Google search will tell you that you’ve got to get a new cue to break the routine and get a new habit. 

That’s true - but that’s not step one. Trying to stop a habit at that point is like entering the game in the fourth quarter already down 20 points. 

Many of these habits step from stress

Stress raises our cortisol levels and transfers our primary decision-making to the amygdala. The stress makes us feel under threat - so instead of making rational decisions from our prefrontal cortex, we either resort to default habits (again to save energy in what our mind thinks is a life-threatening situation) or make emotionally-charged choices (Issue #17 - Get to Know Your Brain).  

Plus, chronic stress impairs our brain to the point where our biology affects our psychology and the broken hardware (our brain) isn’t fully capable to make the best decisions for us. 

If you feel like you might struggle with addiction or decision-making, check out these 6 “brain types” that might help you identify ways you can kick these habits.*

It’s not just a matter of willpower - 

  1. Focus on Your Brain Health

  2. Lower Your Stress

  3. Create a Sustainable System 

*Further Reading = You, Happier

Take Action

Once you lower your stress - then it’s still critical to create a sustainable system to re-wire your brain away from bad habits to new ones. 

  • Picture yourself breaking your habit - who are you without this habit? 

  • Remove temptation of the old habit and replace it with a new habit

  • Get support from friends/family - seriously this is key

  • Reward yourself during the journey 

  • Be patient and don’t punish yourself if (when) you slip up

Source: James Clear

Thrive25 Partner Spotlight

Bodhi Surf + Yoga is an award-winning B Corporation and 1% for the Planet member surf and yoga camp located in the small, coastal community of Bahia Ballena, Osa, Costa Rica. They host a maximum of 10 guests per week for their 1 or 2-week long surf and yoga camps and retreats.

Their surf sessions give you mastery of the waves and encourage ocean stewardship inside the spectacular Marino Ballena National Park — one of the best beaches in the world for learning to surf. 

To top it all off, it is the delicious meals, comfortable lodging, and friendly community that make the experience truly memorable.

Can't make to Costa Rica right now? Get 1 month FREE Bodhi Online Membership.  

Experience a taste of Bodhi's award-winning Costa Rican surf and yoga camp experience, right from your living room. Yoga practice and philosophy. Healthy and delicious recipes. Discussions about living well and awakening purpose. 

Email to take advantage of the free membership. 

Speed Read

Health & Longevity in the News

Mutant 100 Year Olds: BPIFB4 is a mutant gene found in many centenarians. It seems to protect the heart from aging by turning back the clock on heart cells. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death worldwide, so a potential treatment with NPIFB4 could save millions every year. It’s early...but promising. (Learn more)

Insane Grocery Prices: While overall inflation has cooled, grocery prices remain high vs. December 2021 - eggs up 138%, butter 44%, lettuce 25%. Why? We already discussed eggs thanks to the avian flu (Issue #114). Butter and milk: extreme heat and smaller cow herds due to pandemic challenges. Lettuce: dry weather and an insect-borne virus in CA. Some prices will continue to increase, but experts see most cooling off by spring. (TIME)

Savoring - the New Sleep Aid: Those wonderful memories of summers on the lake, road trips to national parks, playing basketball with your dad all can help you sleep. When you savor, your brain reacts as if you’re reliving the experience. Beyond sleep, research shows benefits to reduce depression and anxiety. So what do you savor? For Max, it’s playing the first 9 holes at Sand Ridge Golf Club with his dad. Why not more? He’s asleep before the turn. (WSJ)

Wednesday Weights

Working the glutes, legs and back today. It's short - but guarantee you feel this one and it'll hit muscles you don't use everyday! 

Click HERE to view the workout on our YouTube channel.

Workout and video courtesy of Connor J. Obrochta. Check out all of Connor's workouts on Playbook!

What We’re Reading

Dhru Purohit Podcast

Episode #363 of the Dhru Purohit Podcast is a fascinating view into a broken system - the conversation covers Coca-Cola and racism, how studies are funded, correlation between processed foods and mental illness, Ozempic - weight loss pill, what doctor's are great at and why, incentives for all of us to be healthy, and where there are holes in our healthcare system...

Dhru Purohit Podcast

Thanks for joining us today!

Why Thrive25

We’re 40-something dads that felt our bodies and minds start to slow down and we’re not ready for that. We found too much information on every subject. So we started Thrive25 to transform what we’ve learned into something useful for the rest of us to spend just 3-5 min a day to optimize our health & longevity. 

This newsletter is for you and we truly value your feedback. Never hesitate to reach out to us at

To health! 

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The information in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate or applicable based on your individual circumstances. Thrive25 Labs LLC does not provide medical, professional, or licensed advice. Please connect with your healthcare professional for medical advice specific to your health needs.


Issue #119: We Need Each Other


Issue #117: Plan for Chaos